Sunday, July 31, 2011

Shameless Self Promotion: Beauty in the Rise

This is one of the guys I manage, Ben Baxter. He wrote this original during a backpacking trip/acoustic tour we did last Christmas break through Indonesia and Thailand. If you are curious you can check out our travels here:

"All together now,
our friends are all around.
We sing and we dance
as the world turns around.
We all believe,
There is beauty in the rise"

The song is about how simple and carefree our lives were over there. We never really got use to the 12 hour time change so we would end up being awake at weird hours. For some reason, no matter what time we went to bed, we would wake up before sunrise. Some of the time we just stayed out so late that the sun would be coming up when we were still out and about. I saw more sunrises on that trip than the rest of my life as a whole. They really are beautiful and I've always taken them for-granted.

This is my summer song pick of the day, because right now I am wishing I was still over there. Our biggest worry of the day would be finding a bar that would let Ben play music and give us free drinks. Other than that we were basically treated like celebrities all day. Where as here I have way to much going on. I definitely haven't been able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the simple things in life like sunsets. UGH.

Be Easy,

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