Thursday, July 28, 2011


My Summer song of the day is "Driftin'" by The Dirty Heads.

The Dirty Heads are a great band that mix acoustic/surf/rock/rap. I saw them for the first time about three years ago at an inside show at Stubb's BBQ opening up for The Expendables. At the time it was just the two of them on stage playing over a Momma track of beats. It still caught my ear and I bought an album from them after the show. They have been on my iPod and a constant on my playlists ever since. No one ever knew who they were if I played them, but anybody who likes surf rock stuff typically enjoyed them. Then all of a sudden last summer they finally got picked up by a record label. They re-released a song with Rome from Sublime singing the chorus, "Lay Me Down". MTV picked them up as a featured band of the month and BOOM. They were popular. Not quite mainstream, but they definitely have a solid following.

I got the band I manage to open up for them at Red 7 last Spring. It was pretty awesome. The Dirty Heads did basically the same set I had seen three years earlier. They were super cool even though we were singing along to their songs during the sound check...

Anyways, Driftin' is one of their more stripped down songs. It is about finally settling in somewhere after being a rolling stone for some time. It is basically the opposite of how I feel right now. I'm in between apartments, about to be done with school, and have no solid idea what I will be doing 7 months from now. The song is serving as encouragement that eventually it will all be worked out.

Be Easy,

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